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The Defender Series

You see when a victim is either rescued or escapes her trafficker, not only is she traumatized on every level, she, in one moment loses her home, job, phone, transportation, safety, provision and everything else.  Without resources to support her effectively, chances are very high that she, unable to survive on her own, will return to her trafficker.  She doesn’t just need one thing, she needs EVERYTHING, and all at once.

The weight of restoration is too difficult for one person or one organization, but instead requires a community.  A community where each person or institution takes its role and works together to promote stability and create an environment for healing to take place.  Arukah Project is continuously working not only to provide these necessary services, but to establish a network of individuals and agencies and organizations that can address the needs of our clients. We must include all sectors including churches, social services, law enforcement, businesses, non profits, education, medical professionals, therapists and community organizations to be effective. 


Our solutions are based in building a Transformational Culture that accomplishes more than any of us could do on our own. 

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