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Job/Volunteer Opportunities -
How you can partner with God through Arukah Project 

We believe the Lord has gifted each of us with a unique set of skills to serve a very specific purpose. You have a calling on your life and a mission you are on. If God is calling you to join the Arukah's Project's efforts in restoring, renewing, and rebuilding lives, please read on!

Sought After
Foster Family Agency

Interested in volunteering at our Foster Family Agency? Do you have a heart for commercially sexually exploited children?

If so, check out our opportunities below!

Volunteer in our office!

Do you love working side by side with people? Would you like to see the ins-and-outs of how Arukah operates? 

Wonderful! We are looking for individuals to work with our team in operations and administration.

Opportunities with
Arukah Connect

Do you have the gift of hospitality that is just burning to come alive?

We are looking for someone to help us plan and put on Arukah Gatherings and Restore Our Soul Events. 

Current Volunteer Opportunities

18+ Adult After-care:
IHHS Worker: This volunteer position has been filled! Please check back soon for other IHHS volunteer opportunities. 

Case Worker: Our 18+ adult after-care is in need of a part-time volunteer human trafficking caseworker for some of our clients. Please click here to read a full volunteer job description. If you are interested, please email a completed volunteer form as well as a resume to

Grant Writer: Arukah has a need for a volunteer grant writer! Please click here to read the full job decsription! 

Current Job Opportunities

Sought After Foster Family Agency
No Current Job Opportunities for our FFA at this time. 
Please Check back again soon :)

Current Internship Opportunities:
Human Trafficking Internship: This role is currently filled :) Please check back later for more internship opportunities! 

If you are interested in any of the above opportunities, please fill out this form and email it to of our staff members will get back to you as soon as possible!

If there is a specific position you would like to apply for, please fill out this application and email it to

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